Eligibility Regulations for Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics

Eligibility Regulations for Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics

G.W. Hewlett High School/Woodmere Middle School Eligibility Regulations for Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics:

  • Academic Probation:   Academic Probation will last for a period of five weeks.  While on probation, your child can continue to participate in co- curricular activities provided that he/she has agreed to the conditions outlined in the “Probationary Contract.” Your child’s Assistant Principal will oversee the probationary contract and will work with the Coach/Advisor and the Director of Athletics and/or Music. The contract must be signed by the student, a parent and returned your child’s Assistant Principal. At the end of the five week probationary period, your child must demonstrate to the Principal that he/she has met the conditions established in the contract to become eligible for continued participation.  After meeting with his/her Assistant Principal, it is the responsibility your child to petition the Principal and to request to be taken off probation. If your child does not petition the Principal and/or unsatisfactory progress is demonstrated, your child will be declared ineligible for the remainder of the marking period.
  • Ineligibility:   If a student fails three or more courses in a marking period, he/she will be declared ineligible until he/she demonstrates significant improvement in overall academic performance.  If your child is declared ineligible he/she will not be permitted to participate in any co-curricular activities. To be reinstated, your child must follow the probationary contract procedure initiated with your child’s Assistant Principal and may petition the Eligibility Committee for reinstatement. The Principal may, at his/her discretion, restrict participation in co-curricular activities for reasons that include and/or transcend the above stated eligibility policy.
  • All subjects will be weighed equally in determining eligibility status. An “incomplete” in any subject will count as a failure until such time as a quarterly passing grade is given. Students who fail two or more subjects for half-year courses in the fourth quarter but pass the courses will be on probation. Students who have two or more failing final grades in June must attend summer school and receive passing grades to be considered probationary. Probationary and ineligibility status will commence upon completion and submission of the contract.
  • Any student who is “Denied Credit” in two or more courses at any time during the school year will have his or her eligibility reviewed by the Principal. Continued participation in co-curricular activities will be contingent upon this review.
  • In order to continue participation in Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics your child  must schedule a meeting with his/her grade level Assistant Principal.

It is important hat your child is maintaining academic standards in all of his/her classes and meeting the HWPS GW Hewlett High School/Woodmere Middle Eligibility Regulations for Co-Curricular Activities and Athletics.

Should you have questions regarding your child’s academic struggles it is best to speak directly to the teacher(s), guidance counselor or building level Assistant Principal to fully understand your child’s performance.

